B!OOM // 咲く (ばく)
duo exhibition・installation・paintings・sculptures・grass field

Artists: Nelson Hor・Iketaku
Date: 21 September - 12 October 2024
In most Asian countries, we are culturally trained to down-regulate our emotional processing, and strong ego-focused emotions like anger and sadness are often repressed because they are seen as a hindrance against ever-important social harmony and social order. However, emotions are not meant to be bottled away, without the right tool or way to digest these feelings, they will eventually explode and affect your actions harmfully.
多くのアジア諸国では、個人の感情表現を抑えるように文化的な訓練がされており、怒りや悲し みのような自我に中心を当てた強い感情は、常に社会的調和や秩序を阻害するものと見なさ れ、抑圧されることが多くあります。しかし、感情は封じ込められるものではなく、これらの感情を 適切に消化するツールや方法がなければ、やがて爆発し、人々の行動に有害な影響を及ぼすこ とになります。

Inner Aggression // 内側の攻撃性
Iketaku (2024)
FRP with urethane coating
DANGERLION // 怒りのタンポポ
Nelson Hor (2024)
spray paint on polymer clay
Inner Aggression // 内側の攻撃性
Iketaku (2024)
FRP with urethane coating
DANGERLION // 怒りのタンポポ
Nelson Hor (2024)
spray paint on polymer clay
Iketaku (2024)
FRP with urethane coating
DANGERLION // 怒りのタンポポ
Nelson Hor (2024)
spray paint on polymer clay
The title “B!OOM” is a word play on “to bloom” and “boom!”. Most people associate anger with negative impressions like aggression and abuse, but anger is also an emotion that works as a defence mechanism for us to understand the underlayer of other feelings like pain and love.
Therefore, in this exhibition, a combination of Iketaku’s ideology of using grass fields as a contrast against his grotesque sculptures and Nelson Hor’s unique way of storytelling through paintings and installations, both artists decided to create an oasis that allows the audience to step in and reflect on themselves of what is the true meaning of anger.
本展のタイトル 「咲く(ばく) 」 は、「咲く」と 「 爆 」 をかけた言葉遊びです。怒りというと、攻撃や悪態といったネガティブな印象を連想する人が多いですが、怒りとは、痛みや愛情などの下層にある 感情を理解するための防衛機能として働く感情でもあります。
「 B!OOM 咲く」 は、グロテスクな彫刻とは対照的な芝生を用いるいけたくのアート思想と、絵画や インスタレーションを通して物語を語るネルソン・ホーのアート表現を組み合わせ、「本当の意味 での 「 怒り 」 とは何か」 を観る人自身が見つめ直すためのオアシスになっています。

B!OOM // 咲く
Nelson Hor (2024)
100 × 100 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
Nelson Hor (2024)
100 × 100 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
B!OOM // 爆く
Iketaku (2024)
100 × 100 cm
acrylic on washi canvas
Iketaku (2024)
100 × 100 cm
acrylic on washi canvas
“ Grief is the seed and anger is an explosive emotion that blooms. ”

House plant vol. 1
Iketaku (2024)
W40 × D30 × H65 cm
mixed media
DANGERLION // 怒りのタンポポ
Nelson Hor (2024)
W10 × D10 × H25 cm
spray paint on polymer clay
Iketaku (2024)
W40 × D30 × H65 cm
mixed media
DANGERLION // 怒りのタンポポ
Nelson Hor (2024)
W10 × D10 × H25 cm
spray paint on polymer clay
Often people associate anger with negative impressions like aggression and violence. However, just as each human emotion has its purpose to help us function in life, anger works as a defence mechanism to motivate us to take action to fight or push through obstacles.
In this exhibition, although it's filled with elements that appear dangerous like thorns, explosions, gnarly wounds etc., with the tender contrast of the use of grass fields and bird chirping sounds, the viewers may experience a sense of calmness when they step into the space.
Both artists believe this is how anger is supposed to feel when it is expressed and communicated healthily.
In this exhibition, although it's filled with elements that appear dangerous like thorns, explosions, gnarly wounds etc., with the tender contrast of the use of grass fields and bird chirping sounds, the viewers may experience a sense of calmness when they step into the space.
Both artists believe this is how anger is supposed to feel when it is expressed and communicated healthily.

THE RAGE YOU GIVE // 君が与える怒り
Nelson Hor (2024)
130. 3 × 291 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
Nelson Hor (2024)
130. 3 × 291 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
DANGERLION // 怒りのタンポポ
Nelson Hor (2024)
spray paint on polymer clay
Nelson Hor (2024)
clay with glaze
Nelson Hor (2024)
spray paint on polymer clay
Nelson Hor (2024)
clay with glaze

exhibition view
2024. 09
“ When the anger explodes, the time stops. ”
「怒りの前に、君は咲くのか?爆するのか? 」
“ When the anger explodes, the time stops. ”
「怒りの前に、君は咲くのか?爆するのか? 」

Nelson Hor & Iketaku (2024)
Nelson Hor & Iketaku (2024)
In the second half of the exhibition space, an installation called the "TIMEOUT ROOM" was created by both artists. It is inspired by one of Nelson Hor's earliest memories of being told to bottle up his emotions when he was a kid. Whenever he had a fight with his friends or siblings, Hor's parents or school teachers would ask him to stay at the time-out corner to calm himself down.
展示スペースの奥側では、二人のアーティストが制作した 「おしおき部屋」 というインスタレーションです。これは、ネルソンが子供の頃、友達や兄弟とケンカをすると、親か学校の先生にタイムアウトコーナーで冷静するように言われたという記憶にインスパイアされたものです。
Children express anger or cry for a reason but instead of focusing on the cause, dismissing a kid’s emotion and forcing them to shut it down might lead to issues with self-esteem and struggle to understand and regulate their emotions.
Therefore, in the “TIMEOUT ROOM”, the artists decided to create a naughty spot in a room filled with childlike doodles. Although every character is fighting or screaming at each other, with the peaceful background music and atmosphere, the room allows the viewer to experience the state of tranquillity that we often feel after venting our anger.
The Sword of Courage // 勇者の剣
Iketaku (2019)
W130 × D60 × H110 cm
marble stone
Children express anger or cry for a reason but instead of focusing on the cause, dismissing a kid’s emotion and forcing them to shut it down might lead to issues with self-esteem and struggle to understand and regulate their emotions.
Therefore, in the “TIMEOUT ROOM”, the artists decided to create a naughty spot in a room filled with childlike doodles. Although every character is fighting or screaming at each other, with the peaceful background music and atmosphere, the room allows the viewer to experience the state of tranquillity that we often feel after venting our anger.
Therefore, in the “TIMEOUT ROOM”, the artists decided to create a naughty spot in a room filled with childlike doodles. Although every character is fighting or screaming at each other, with the peaceful background music and atmosphere, the room allows the viewer to experience the state of tranquillity that we often feel after venting our anger.

The Sword of Courage // 勇者の剣
Iketaku (2019)
W130 × D60 × H110 cm
marble stone
Iketaku (2019)
W130 × D60 × H110 cm
marble stone

exhibition view
2024. 09

Handsome Guy // カッケェ
Iketaku (2024)
27. 3 × 27. 3 cm
acrylic on canvas
Iketaku (2024)
W120 × D80 × H120 cm
mixed media
Doxing // 晒し者
Iketaku (2024)
27. 3 × 27. 3 cm
acrylic on canvas
Handsome Guy // カッケェ
Iketaku (2024)
27. 3 × 27. 3 cm
acrylic on canvas
Iketaku (2024)
27. 3 × 27. 3 cm
acrylic on canvas
Iketaku (2024)
W120 × D80 × H120 cm
mixed media
Doxing // 晒し者
Iketaku (2024)
27. 3 × 27. 3 cm
acrylic on canvas
Iketaku (2024)
27. 3 × 27. 3 cm
acrylic on canvas

Nelson Hor (2024)
80. 3 × 80. 3 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
Nelson Hor (2024)
130. 3 × 291 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
Nelson Hor (2024)
80. 3 × 80. 3 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
Nelson Hor (2024)
80. 3 × 80. 3 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
Nelson Hor (2024)
130. 3 × 291 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
Nelson Hor (2024)
130. 3 × 291 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper