Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child // 子どもの目から見たクリスマス
christmas market・key visuals and spatial design・paintings
installation view
2024. 12
@ Spiral Garden
I was invited by Spiral to design their Christmas market this year. My role encompasses creating the key visuals, wrapping paper, gift boxes and the overall spatial decorations. The theme that I came up with is “Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child”.
今年スパイラルのクリスマス・マーケットのキービジュアル、包装紙、ギフトボックス、空間装飾デザインを担当させていただきました。今回の装飾テーマは 「 子どもの目から見たクリスマス 」 です。
As I grow older, I often find myself losing interest in things that I used to be excited about and one of those things is Christmas. As adults, we sometimes lose the ability to see the magic and colours in life.
Therefore, with this theme, I hope to evoke some deep memories through the lens of a child and remind us of the excitement and pure happiness we felt for Christmas when we were little.
Each family has its own Christmas traditions, and in my family, we cherished the time spent reading picture books together on Christmas Eve. Growing up in Malaysia, it is not common to celebrate a white Christmas but I often imagined myself in a snowy wonderland by digging myself in those stories over and over again.
Come Out and Play // 雪で遊ぼう
2024. 11
130. 3 × 89. 4 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
installation view
2024. 12
@ Spiral Garden
Inspired by these fond memories, I decided to create an immersive installation featuring scenes and characters from my favourite childhood stories, such as Frosty the Snowman, the Gingerbread Man and Paddington Bear.
I wanted to design a space where adults can be surrounded by hand-drawn motifs and fully immerse themselves in the enchanting world of storybooks, just like the magic they brought us when we were little.
この楽しい思い出に着想を得て、「 雪だるまのフロスティ」 や 「 ジンジャーブレッドマン」、「くまのパディントン」 など、大好きだった絵本のシーンやキャラクターを使った没入型のインスタレーションを作ることにしました。
Under the Christmas Tree // クリスマスツリーの下で
2024. 12
wooden bricks, storybooks, stuffed animals, xylophone
I’ve always enjoyed observing how kids interact with my art and how they let their imaginations run wild while fully immersing themselves in my exhibition space.
When I came up with the theme “Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child”, I knew that I had to create a place where both grownups and children could play with, so I decided to replicate one of my fondest memories, playing toys and reading picture books with my family under the Christmas tree.
I hope that through the guidance of these little innocent souls, we can be reminded of the simplicity and joy we once had.
「 子どもの目から見たクリスマス 」 というテーマを思いついたとき、大人も子供も一緒に遊べる場所を作りたいなと思いました。ですので、今回は、クリスマスツリーの下で家族と一緒におもちゃで遊んだり絵本を読んだりした、私の最も楽しい思い出を再現しようとしました。

“ In the eyes of children we find the joy of Christmas; in their hearts, we find the meaning. ”
「子どもたちの目にクリスマスの喜びを見いだし、子どもたちの心にクリスマスの意味を見いだす。 」

installation view
2024. 12
@ Spiral Garden
Dear Santa // 拝啓、サンタさんへ
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper

Make a Wish // メイク・ア・ウィッシュ
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
Upon the decoration of the Christmas tree, I also created a series of paintings that later be used as the design for the ornaments.
This series captures the experience of Christmas through a child's perspective, such as playing house with the ornaments, enjoying gingerbread cookies, receiving favourite presents and so on.

Tree Ornaments
2024. 12
UV printing on acrylic panel
2024. 12
UV printing on acrylic panel

Playing House // ままごと
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
Passing the Joy // 喜びをわたす
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
Welcome Home // ようこそ我が家へ
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
My Little Wonderland // 僕の小さなワンダーランド
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
Oops, Crackers! // おっと!
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
Mr. Holly and Mrs. Jolly // ホリーくんとジョリーちゃん
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
Sharing the Happiness // 幸せをあげる
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
2024. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
Apart from the installation, I also collaborated with Spiral Cafe and Spiral Market. Together, we created a captivating series of designs for their special Christmas menu, visually stunning gift boxes and delightful wrapping services that perfectly encapsulate the festive spirit.
The designs not only enhance the holiday experience but also reflect the warmth and joy of the season, making each item a special treasure for customers.
【 Spiral Market’s Winter Seasonal Wrapping 】
The design is inspired by the snowy wonderland scenes from the picture books that I used to read when I was a kid while imagining what a snowing winter would look like.
【 Spiral Market 冬季限定ラッピング 】

【 Christmas Menu by Spiral Café 】
A special menu in collaboration with Spiral Xmas Market 2024.
Hot Double Chocolate Milk Tea with butter cookies and Christmas greeting card printed with original design.
【 Spiral Café クリスマス限定メニュー 】
Spiral Xmas Market 2024とのコラボレーションした期間限定のメニューです。

【 Spiral Xmas Market 2024 - Original Gift Box 】
Gift box with original design and my favourite quote debossed on it.
“May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas night.”
【 Spiral Xmas Market 2024 限定ギフトボックス 】
オリジナルデザインや 「大人になっても、クリスマスの夜に空を探していた頃の気持ちを失わないように」 というメッセージが刻まれたギフトボックスです。

Until Christmas // クリスマスまで
2024. 11
130. 3 × 130. 3 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
2024. 11
130. 3 × 130. 3 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
Munchkin Attack // マンチカンの来襲
2024. 11
130. 3 × 130. 3 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
2024. 11
130. 3 × 130. 3 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
Snowballs Incoming // 雪だるまさんが転んだ
2024. 11
130. 3 × 130. 3 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
2024. 11
130. 3 × 130. 3 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
“ May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas night. ”
「 大人になっても、クリスマスの夜に空を探していた頃の気持ちを失わないように。 」
「 大人になっても、クリスマスの夜に空を探していた頃の気持ちを失わないように。 」

May the Magic Comes True // 雪の夢が叶うように
2024. 11
130. 3 × 130. 3 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
2024. 11
130. 3 × 130. 3 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper