installation view
2024. 12
@ Root K Contemporary
This year, Root K Contemporary proudly showcased its presence at several prestigious international art fairs, including Art Basel Hong Kong. In celebration of 2024, the gallery is excited to unveil the √K Collection 2024→2025, which highlights a remarkable selection of artists represented in solo exhibitions and at art fairs throughout the year, along with those scheduled to exhibit in the coming months.
This collection not only offers a fresh opportunity for those who were unable to attend the art fairs but also invites art enthusiasts to experience the captivating works of each artist once more.
2024年の締めくくりとなる展示は、今年個展やアートフェア等でご紹介した作家たちの作品、そして2025年展開する予定の作家たちの作品をご紹介する√K Collection 2024→2025を開催いたしました。