The Murder of My Dreams and Ambitions // 僕の夢と野望を奪った烏
installation・mineral pigment on washi paper・rubbish bin・envelope

installation view
2022. 12
90 × 138 cm

For years, as a result of economic growth and large volumes of food waste produced, Tokyo has been invaded by a huge population of crows.

There are days, I will stare out of my window and observe the crows standing on electric wires. They look like they’re plotting to devour the body of a drunk salaryman or sometimes I feel like they are staring back at me, that they can feel the scent of death in me.
Therefore, while I’m struggling to survive in the capitalist art world, I created an installation piece as a satire of my dying dreams and ambitions.



Although Tokyo is known for its metropolitan buildings and cleanliness, sometimes you get to see crows picking up rubbish or drunkards lying on the floor in the morning. I think this is a very realistic reflection of how middle-class people live in such a busy and high-populated city, including me as an artist. Underneath the beautiful buildings of a bustling city, there are many people like crows who keep scavenging the leftovers just to survive.

Therefore, I think it will be interesting to showcase these “crows” to remind us that we shouldn’t let the hectic city life kills our dreams and ambitions, and always remember why and where we started.


賑やかな街の美しい建物の下には、生きるために残飯を漁り続けるカラスのような人たちがたくさんいますのでカラスのインスタレーションを展示させることで、「 都会の喧騒に夢や野心を奪われないで、自分がなぜ、どこから始めたのかを忘れないでほしい 」 というコンセプトが面白いかなと思っています。

Murder 2
2022. 11
23 × 82 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper

Murder 9
2022. 11
45 × 27. 2 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper

Murder 4
2022. 11
22 × 27. 2 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper

Murder 5
2022. 11
27 × 19 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper

Murder 1
2022. 11
34. 5 × 50. 5 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper

Murder 6 & 7
2022. 11
27. 2 × 41 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper

Murder 3
2022. 11
32 × 41 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper

Murder 8
2022. 11
27 × 41 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper

Murder 10
2022. 11
53 × 41 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper

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© Nelson Hor Ee Herng