Farewell, my dear self // さらば、愛しき我が身
performance view
2020. 02. 14
living funeral
@ Penang, Malaysia
2020. 02. 14
living funeral
@ Penang, Malaysia
Growing up as a queer person in a conservative Islamic country like Malaysia was very difficult. I spent most of my childhood and teenage years struggling with my sexuality and masculinity which I believe is one of the main causes that leads to my depression. I attempted my first suicide when I was 14 and a second time when I was 21. After surviving my second attempt, I bought a ticket back to Malaysia and returned to my childhood home.
When I got back to my hometown, I visited a friend’s grave who died by suicide a week after my second attempt. Seeing his youthful smile forever frozen in the picture, reminds me of a Japanese idiom, “not seeing is a flower”.
“Not seeing is a flower” means the reality can never be as good as what is imagined, prospect is often better than possession. Perhaps the reason I fantasised about killing myself is just a defence mechanism for me to run away from my pain and suffering.
Therefore, I decided to have a funeral on my 22nd birthday and have my family join me. Along with this ritual, I hope I can set myself a reminder of all the possibilities of my life ahead and the love I have from my family.
マレーシアの故郷に戻り、2度目の自殺未遂から1週間後に自殺で亡くなった友人の墓参りをしました。彼の若かりし頃の笑顔がいつまでも凍りついたままの写真を見ていると、「 見ぬが花 」という日本のことわざを思い出しました。
「 見ぬが花 」とは、物事はまだ見ないで、どんなだろうと想像しているうちがよいものであるということです。おそらく、私が自殺を妄想したのは、自分の痛みや苦しみから逃げるための防衛機制に過ぎないのでしょう。
“ Though the incense has stopped burning,
people still hear the whisper of his name. ”
Happy birthday and may my-beloved-self rest in peace.
I have seen so many deaths,
some of me and some of others in me.
Now, if I fall, will it be my lot
To be cast in some lone, and lowly spot,
To melt, and to sink, unseen, or forgot?
And there will my course be ended.

Memoirs of My Noonday Devil // 真昼に訪れる悪魔の回顧録
2022. 01
244 × 576 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink, envelope, ink on washi paper
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