The Wall of Rainbows and Resentment // 虹と恨みの壁
installation・ceramic vase・mineral pigment on washi paper・embroidery

installation view
2022. 11
389 × 460 cm
“The Wall of Rainbows and Resentment” is an installation piece including paintings, embroidery and ceramics. Through this work, I want to focus on issues that are left unspoken in gay communities such as body image, sexual grooming and toxic masculinity.
Exhibition: Behind the Closet

not seeing is a flower pot
2022. 09
clay with glaze
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My Devotion to Loneliness // さびしがりやのわたし
2022. 11
embroidery on drapery
see more

Rammed Hard and Fast // 痛気持ちいい
2022. 11
116. 7 × 80 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
2022. 11
116. 7 × 80 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
Aside from the rainbows and unicorns, just like heterosexuals, queer people have their own challenges. However, even within the gay circle, the unloving and distressed feelings I got the most are not from the discrimination or pressure of society but the judgement among my gay peers, and I often feel we don't have enough voices to represent these sufferings.
In a community made up of men, we tend to overlook how toxic masculinity can affect us both mentally and physically, and forget the importance of embracing our femininity.
In a community made up of men, we tend to overlook how toxic masculinity can affect us both mentally and physically, and forget the importance of embracing our femininity.

A Letter a Day // 毎日、君に手紙をかいてあげる
2022. 09
23 × 77 cm
envelope, ink on washi paper
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Self-hatred is a B*tch // 自己嫌悪は泥沼
2022. 10
50 × 50 cm
embroidery on felted wool
Solace in Solitude // 孤独のオアシス
2022. 11
55 × 61. 5 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
This series of work is like a self-statement in a community of over-sexualised masculinity. I hope by expressing the loneliness and pain I feel in a world where gays are competing for social and sexual gain, I could reflect these issues to the surface so we could finally acknowledge we are all just humans and that we should be more empathetic towards each other in this community.

Human Dough 101 // 人間練り粉
2022. 10
116. 7 × 91 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper

Would you like a bagel? // ぼくのベーグルは美味しいよ
2022. 10
23 × 45 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
2022. 10
23 × 45 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper

What do you want from me? // どうしたらいい?
2022. 09
80. 3 × 80. 3 cm
mineral pigment, acrylic ink on washi paper
you and me and us, us. // あなたと私、そして私たち
2022. 10
41 × 31 .8 cm
mineral pigment on handmade washi paper
The Top Pick // モテモテ
2022. 10
41 × 24. 2 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper

Safe Sex is Sexy // セーフ・セックスはセクシー
2022. 10
24. 2 × 33. 3 cm
mineral pigment on handmade washi paper
2022. 10
24. 2 × 33. 3 cm
mineral pigment on handmade washi paper

Grooming Season // 成人式
2022. 11
53 × 53 cm
mineral pigment on washi paper
Love Burns // 愛は燃えてから消える
2022. 10
53 × 45. 5 cm
mineral pigment on handmade washi paper
2022. 10
53 × 45. 5 cm
mineral pigment on handmade washi paper